Organizations & Ministries
This ministry organizes and implements sports and recreational activities for youth and adults for physical development, exercise and spiritual development to show love and respect for one another while on or off the court or field.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Audio/Sound Ministry
This ministry glorifies God monitoring and controlling the church sound systems to ensure a good quality sound for the Pastor and congregation during all worship services.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Bible Study
This ministry is a major teaching component of the church. The goal is victorious living, through the Word of God.
Meeting Day & Time: Noonday Bible Study – Wednesday at 12:00 noon, Evening Bible Study -
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
Buds of Promise
This ministry is for children ages 2 –12 to create and develop an interest in missions through juvenile Christian culture, stimulate the spirit of giving of themselves and their possessions for the good of others and raise money for missions through membership fees, pledges and providing services.
Meeting Day & Time: 4th Saturday at 11:30 a.m. (except during summer months)
Celebration Singers
This ministry consist of adults specializing in praise and worship music to glorify God and minister to His people.
Meeting Day /&Time: TBA
Class Leaders
This ministry aids the Pastor in caring for, nurturing and equipping the members of the Body of Christ to lead Spirit-filled lives, as we "walk out" our purpose and God's plan for us.
Meeting Day & Time: 1st. and 3rd Sunday (after morning worship) Quarterly - TBA
The Children's Church equips children with biblical knowledge and principles that are applicable to sustaining moral character and values in today's society. Children's church provides a setting where children can interact with the minister as well as each other, giving them an opportunity to ask questions and receive answers relating to the preached message.
Meeting Day & Time: 2nd & 3rd Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
Christian Education
This ministry endeavors to equip persons to share the Christian faith and commitment by providing teaching and support of ministries for Christians and non- Christians who seek to obey God's Word. Christian Education includes the following departments: Adults, Young Adults, Children, Youth, Sunday School, Athletics and Scouting.
Meeting Day & Time: 1st Wednesday in each month at 5:30 p.m.
This ministry supports and encourages students during their educational journey by sending care packages, providing networking opportunities, and preparing them to enter the workforce.
Meeting Day & Time: Quarterly
This ministry uses movement and praise to interpret God's Word through Christian music.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Deaconess Ministry
This ministry prepares the sacraments for communion each first Sunday. Deaconess keep the table replenished with the Sacraments and assist as directed by the pastor in administering the Holy Communion. Deaconess visit the sick and shut-in and assist the pastor in serving the Holy Communion.
Greeters Ministry
This ministry serves as greeters and ensures that everyone entering the church feel welcome among the saints and are under the anointing of God that they have come to worship with us and that they are important.
Meeting Day & Time: Sunday - Quarterly - 3rd Sunday (following 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. church service)
Health & Wellness
1 Corinthians 6:19 - "What! know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" Therefore, this ministry provides informative and educational tools to help promote healthy behavior, protect God's temple, and meet the physical needs for the church and community.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
This ministry serves as greeters and ensures that everyone entering the church feel welcome among the saints and are under the anointing of God that they have come to worship with us and that they are important.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Hymn Choir
This ministry consist of our seasoned saints who deliver good ole’ foot-stomping spirituals, hymns and period-appropriate gospel songs that glorify God, minister to His people and joyfully express knowledge of God through the ministry of singing.
Meeting Day & Time: 2nd & 3rd Saturdays at 11:00 a.m.
Junior Choir
This ministry consists of children and youth desiring to worship and praise God and minister to the congregation through song. They sing current and original age-appropriate songs during the 4th. Sunday service at 10:00 a.m. The choir holds an annual gospel program each April with invited guests.
Meeting Day & Time: 3rd & 4th Saturdays at 1:00 p.m.
This ministry supplies nonperishable food items to those in our church and community who urgently need food. Those with sustaining needs are referred to local agencies.
Marriage Ministry:
This ministry encourages adults to keep Christ as the center of our marriages. God's Holy Word reveals His teachings and must be the foundation of our marriage and family relationships. The marriage enrichment ministry brings together married couples along with the engaged couples in our church community to worship, study and be enriched by God as we grow as couples in spiritual union with Christ.
Meeting Day & Time: 2nd Sunday at 5:00 p.m.
Memorial Garden
This ministry gives recognition/remembrance of family members and loved ones past and present. We have pavement bricks surrounding the rose garden memorializing loved ones.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Men's Ministry
This ministry promotes the spiritual growth of men, families and community through worship, prayer and to proclaim the goodness and love of God, through community outreach and service. Our goal is to nurture Godly men of all walks of life in their responsibilities to Christ, each other, their families and community with our goal being to produce Godly men who will change the world by being servants of the most high.
Men's Choir This ministry consists of men desiring to worship and praise God through song. They glorify God and minister to His people by singing a variety of gospel selections.
Meeting Day & Time: 2nd Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and 2nd. Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
This ministry praises and worships the Lord through expressions and interpretations of appropriate moves accompanied by Gospel music.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
New Members
This orientation ministry is designed to help new members to transition from where they were to where they are going in Christ. We discuss salvation, the local church and denomination other ministries available to them. We ensure that they know how important they are to the fulfillment of God's plan for the ministry as it pertains to church.
Meeting Day & Time: Sunday's at 9:30 a.m. (Second Sunday each month. Subsequent sessions will follow.)
Parent Body Missionary
This ministry promotes the cause of World Evangelism; growth in the knowledge and understanding of God and His plan of redemption for the world, and teaches the concepts of Christian missions and provide experiences for participation in mission work and its ministries.
Meeting Day & Time: 1st Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
Pastor Aide
This ministry assists the pastor and his family according to identified needs provided by the pastor/his family or members of the Pastor's Aide organization..
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Plant Ministry
This ministry provides care and maintenance to the living and artificial plants so that God's house is attractive to all who enter at all times.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
This ministry lets men and women know God cares, God forgives and God loves them. It encourages them to find a more excellent way in life other than incarceration.
Meeting Day & Time: Monday at 6:00 p.m.
Sanctuary Choir
This ministry consists of adults, and leads the congregation into God’s presence with worship and praise selections.
Meeting Day & Time: 1st& 3rd Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
This ministry builds bright-minded boy scouts and cultivates character by offering Christian leadership, values, social conscience, and conviction about their own self-.
Meeting Day /&Time: 1st. and 3rd Monday at 6:00 p.m.
Sick and Visitation
This ministry strives to make our “sick and shut-in” members aware of all church activities. We visit them and provide encouragement, cheer, prayer and materials for their spiritual growth and well-being.
Meeting Day & Time: 4th. Saturday at 12:00 noon
Singles Ministry
This ministry provides an atmosphere of acceptance and openness where single adults can discover others with the same experiences, hopes and hurts. We also seek to establish relationships that are nurtured in a Christian context. In this atmosphere spiritual needs such as self-esteem, commitment to God, faith and desires to live out the call of God on their lives are met.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Steward Board
This ministry provides for the comfort of the pastor and his family and officiates in the collection of the tithes and offerings.
Meeting Day & Time: 2nd. Saturday at 3:00 p.m.
This ministry assists God's people by safely transporting them to and from church and other related functions. We strive to meet the transportation needs of the church and the community and to maintain the operations and upkeep of the church vehicles.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Trustee Board
This ministry builds and maintains a safe, healthy, comfortable and prosperous environment for the congregation within the facilities and outside.
Meeting Day &Time: 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
This ministry greets and serves the church body and visitors with joy, love, and enables them to feel welcome.
Meeting Date &Time:
The Senior Board meets the 2nd Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
The Junior Board meets the 3rd Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
Website Ministry
This ministry utilizes technology i.e. designs, audio, videos, photos and emails spreading God’s word throughout the church and community. We maintain and communicate church event. This ministry also provides the church members the opportunity to learn about the latest website technology and functionalities that will enhance technical personal growth in the computer science profession.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Widows or Widowers “WOW”
This ministry offers support for those who have lost a spouse. We provide a listening ear, a smile, or a hug. We ask God to grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change; courage to change the things we can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Women's Ministry
This ministry is dedicated to the support, development and encouragement of women of all ages through faith, godliness and the application of practical spiritual principles.
Meeting Day & Time: 3rd Friday at 6:45 p.m.
YACMs (Young Adult Christian Ministry's)
This ministry strives to unite men and women, ages 22 - 40, and encourages them to use their time and talent for mission service in the church and the community. Our prime objectives are social concerns such as child abuse, teenage pregnancies, drug dependency, and world hunger.
Meeting Day & Time: TBA
Youth Missionary
This ministry offers the opportunity to work together in mission services through creative, inspirational biblical study and outreach and service for Christ.
Meeting Day & Time: 2nd Saturday at 11:00 a.m.